• 2005 - Birth of the project

    In 2005, Mr. Raymond DIFFO and Mr. Yves KOLO, both former senior executives of agro-industrial companies, decided to create SORHUPALM (Société de Raffinage d'Huile de Palme et Palmiste). In 2006, the two promoters orientate their adventure in the field of soya and create SOPROICAM (Soybeans Processing Industry of Cameroon). The partners proceed to a merger-absoprtion of SORHUPALM by SOPROICAM. The company begins its journey with :

    -> A soybean meal extruder

    -> Une unité de raffinage d'huiles végétales (palme-soja).

  • 2013 - Installation of a soybean processing unit and development of the sector by the soybean agropole programme

    In 2013, the company follows this rise with the installation of an ultra-modern unit for processing soybeans into crude oil and soybean meal. At the same time, on the agricultural production side, SOPROICAM is starting up the soybean agropole which it is promoting, with the support of the government, in the Far North.

  • 2014 - Commissioning of the Yato plant

    In 2014, the structure is moving towards soybean processing, with the commissioning of the plant in Yato, producing refined soya oil on the one hand and soybean meal for animal feed on the other. In order to boost the soybean agropole in the northern region, SOPROICAM is starting up soybean and maize farming in Ngaoundéré.

  • 2015 to 2019 - Expansion of agricultural production

    From 2015 to 2019, extension of agricultural production to farmers in the Adamaoua and Northern regions. In total, there are more than 16,000 soybean farmers on more than 20,000 ha of land.



Toujours s'adapter

Nous anticipons et nous nous adaptons constamment, afin de trouver les meilleures stratégies pour atteindre nos objectifs


Se donner à fond

Nous nous sommes donnés le challenge de révolutionner l'agro-industrie africaine par une production responsable de produits sains et de qualité


Tenir ses engagements

Nous mettons un point d'honneur à la satisfaction du client, et nous plaçons toujours l'humain au centre de nos préoccupations


Ensemble c'est réussir

Comme l'avait si bien dit Henry Ford: "Se réunir est un début; rester ensemble est un progrès; travailler ensemble est la réussite"